Τετάρτη 27 Απριλίου 2011

EVS στη Litija, Σλοβενία, 3/1ο/2011 - 30/9/2012

Τύπος προγράμματος: Long-term EVS (European Voluntary Service).
Διάρκεια: από 3 Οκτωβρίου 2011 έως
30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012.
Τόπος: Σλοβενία, Litija.
Πληροφορίες και δηλώσεις συμμετοχής μέχρι 25 Μαίου 2011 αποστέλωντας CV και motivation letter στο mc.litija@gmail.com.

Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Slovenia
In June deadline Youth center Litija will applay for EVS project that will start in October 2011 in Litija (Slovenia), and would last one year.

With the project we would like to contribut in establishing of our multi media center, so the project will have multimedia theme.

For detailed information of project environment and our organization check us on: http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/hei_form_en.cfm?EID=66000156301

Main goals of the project and tasks of volunteer are:
- leading of 2 new multimedia projects,
- cooporating in desinging of MM content on our web site,
- tapeing of 5 short documentary films about bigger projects of Youth center Litija,
- cooporating in short experimental movie,
- being part of workshops for art and reportage photographing

Have ambitions in tapeing films, photographing, web site arrangeing (Multi media in general)

Candidates that are intersting for the project please write us on mc.litija@gmail.com for more informations and send us CV and motivation latter as soon as possible (till 25.5.2011), so we could already start to arrangeing all the neccesery procedures.
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