Τίτλος: Inclusion of economically disadvantaged youngsters in social and economic processes through volunteering
Ημερομηνίες: 4 με 12 Μαΐου 2012.
Τόπος: Σερβία, Leskovac Συμμετέχοντες: 3 άτομα 18-30 ετών.
Καλύπτονται το 70% των αεροπορικών εισιτηρίων και το 100% διαμονής διατροφής.
Συμμετοχή 30€.
Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής μέχρι 8 Απριλίου στο programs@youthnet.gr αποστέλλοντας συμπληρωμένη την αίτηση συμμετοχής (δείτε και τον οδηγό συμμετοχής).
The project benefits 30 economically disadvantaged youngsters facing social and economic exclusion. These young men and women with fewer opportunities don’t usually participate in non-formal education events organized within the framework of the YiA Programme or in other non-formal education events, for that matter. Reasons are many, language barrier, lack of motivation and lack of compatible projects being the most dominant. However, on this occasion, young people with fewer opportunities from Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece will have an opportunity to participate in a 8-day long training that will be organized for their benefit in City of Leskovac, Serbia.
Youngsters faced with social and economic exclusion aren’t very motivated to volunteer as they, understandably perhaps, don’t see any practical or logical reason for them becoming a volunteer. However, volunteering as a form of active engagement and as a tool for development of one's personal, social and professional competences certainly can benefit economically disadvantaged young men and women, too. Especially since activeness offered through volunteering programs tends to open a range of opportunities for a young person, stimulating his/hers active engagement in social and economic processes and greatly influencing his/hers employability.
For these and several other reasons we will use this project to motivate youngsters faced with social and economic exclusion for volunteering and help them realize benefits volunteering can offer to them in terms of personal, social and professional advancement, among other things. This will be beneficial for advancement of their social and economic status, as well as it will bring benefits to communities in which project participants live.