Ημερομηνίες: 8 έως 17 Απριλίου 2011.
Τόπος: FYROM, Στρούγκα
Συμμετέχοντες: 1 άτομο 18-35 ετών.
Καλύπτονται το 70% των αεροπορικών εισιτηρίων και το 100% διαμονής διατροφής.
Συμμετοχή 30€.
Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής μέχρι 20 Ιανουαρίου στο programs@youthnet.gr αποστέλλοντας συμπληρωμένη την αίτηση συμμετοχής (δείτε και τον οδηγό συμμετοχής).
AdventureShip is 9-days training for youth workers looking for challenging learning ex-perience and new working methods and tools. AdventureShip is based on the principles of ap¬proach called adventure education. It focuses on participating in activities with perceived risks. Adventure education includes coopera¬tive games, trust-building activities, problem solving initiatives, and wilderness expeditions as a part of an educational pursuit.
Physical and mental challenges are designed as metaphors for professional challenges in the organisations. The unfamiliar settings and tasks help to unfreeze entrenched behaviours and offer a common ground for establishing new ones. Adventure training allows re-examining preconceptions and test limitations and abilities of individuals and teams. Within the training relevant challenges will highlight is¬sues youth workers are facing in their job and provide practice in applying strategies and skills needed to address those issues.
Main aim of the project is to provide extraor¬dinary learning process, which would promote professional and personal development of youth workers and give knowledge about ad¬venture education and implementing its prin¬ciples in the activities with aims of social inclu¬sion and combating youth unemployment.
Training activities will involve 21 organizations working for unemployed youth and young peo¬ple with fewer opportunities, 21 culturally di¬verse countries: Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Al¬bania, Montenegro, Russia, Armenia, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Roma¬nia, Bulgaria and Turkey.