Τρίτη 25 Ιανουαρίου 2011

Πολλαπλά EVS σε Ισλανδία και Ρουμανία από το European Village

Πολλαπλά Long-term EVS σε Ισλανδία και Ρουμανία από το European Village:

  • International workcamps’ leaders: 3 θέσεις, 7 μήνες, αρχίζοντας από Μάιο 2011
  • Environmental messengers: 3 θέσεις, 7 μήνες, αρχίζοντας από Μάιο 2011
  • Green Hostels: 1 θέση, 10-12 μήνες, αρχίζοντας από Μάιο 2011
  • Ecological education's activities based on non-formal methods: 1 θέση, 6-7 μήνες, αρχίζοντας από Φεβρουάριο ή Μάιο 2011
Πληροφορίες και δηλώσεις συμμετοχής στο evs@european-village.org

EVS project - Call for volunteers
EVS - European Voluntary Service

The European Voluntary Service (EVS) provides young people with the opportunity to spend a period of time in a foreign country within or outside the EU developing voluntary activities.

The volunteer will be hosted in other NGOs in order to support thematic activities and local projects trhough voluntary activities.

These are projects now opened

SEEDS long-term volunteer programme - ICELAND

1. International workcamps’ leaders Three places available; starting in May 2011, for 7 months.
2. Environmental messengers Three places available; starting in May 2011, for 7 months.
3. Green Hostels One place available; starting in May 2011, for 10 to 12 months.

More info about ICELAND:

ANMRF Louis Pasteur Dej BRAILA Branch.
Clear Sky+Clear Forest+Clear Watter=Pure Inhabitants - ROMANIA

1. Ecological education's activities based on non-formal methods.
One place available starting in February or March
for 6/7 months 2011

More info about Romania:


Send an e-mail TO:
Kostantinos Spatiotis
e-mail: evs@european-village.org
Telephone: 00302112217260
with your CV and asking information about the project/s you are interested in. Remember that the limit age it is 18-30 years old.

Hoping to hear soon from all of you!
It is time to move!!!
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